February 12, 2009

new app: chart your life with twitter & uladoo

Recently, I stumbled across a new Twitter app with a funny name (as most of them have) called Uladoo. Uladoo is a very easy and simple way to create running charts of anything you could think of.

At a glance, users are currently testing it out with categories such as calories, doo (the kind a dog does), telekinesis, packed lunches, miles walked and many others. Setup is simple. To create a chart, simply tweet a name of a chart and a value @uladoo.

For example: @uladoo miles walked 1.8

Uladoo then automatically generates a user profile for first-time users (uladoo.com/yourname) and a chart with the value tweeted. Users may have as many charts as they wish.

There are some definite possibilities here for a potentially powerful app, especially if a mobile utility were to be created, or some sort of corporate account allowing followers to tweet in votes on a poll or question posed. Those with SMS or Twitter mobile will appreciate being able to add values to their charts even when away from the computer. This is handy if you're charting calories while you're out to lunch, or on the road and in-between wifi connections.

It is apps like Uladoo that are adding value to Twitter and making it a valuable and genuinely useful utility. Though in its infancy, Uladoo is a fantastic way to help organize, manage and quantify your life using a web app you probably already spend too much time on.

Curious to see how it looks? Check out my charts at http://www.uladoo.com/seelowitz.


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