April 5, 2009

google to buy twitter? doubtful, but...

In a recent post, TechCrunch speculated on the possibility of search giant Google aquiring Twitter.

"Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter. We don’t know the price but can assume its well, well north of the $250 million valuation that they saw in their recent funding."
Honestly, I don't think anyone can competently speculate on something this major. However, I do have a slightly different theory of my own. It was announced about a month ago that Twitter was integrating their search feature, previously found at search.twitter.com into the menu bar on each user's profile.

Twitter started to roll out the redesign, and many pages received the update. Twitter however has issued a new statement saying they are delaying integration as they are revamping their search feature entirely. Interestingly enough, this was about the same time that the Google acquisition rumors started to surface.

I think a complete acquisition by Google may be a little far-reaching, given Twitter's current valuation and their reluctance to sell as of yet. Would it be so far fetched to imagine a Google-enhanced search feaure? Think about it: Twitter starts to integrate their search feature. They stop halfway in favor of a total overhaul. Rumors of talks between Google and Twitter start circulating.

Could the talks between Twitter and Google be for a search feature that would allow Google to mine the staggering amount of information posted in real-time on Twitter? I don't think that's too hard to image.


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